“The most important principle of divine philosophy is the oneness of the world of humanity, the unity of mankind, the bond conjoining East and West, the tie of love which blends human hearts.”

The modern world is not an integrated cosmic whole, instead it is a forced land where everyone is rushing to his own direction taking it to be the right path. Diverse religious faiths, race for armament, blind race of advancement, education system devoid of moral values, lost culture, etc., etc., have created such a huge chasm among different nations that the Doom’s Day seems to be at an arm’s length. Cosmopolitans opine that education is the only hope left to turn this scary earth into the most coveted planets of the universe to live on.

The off -springs of Adam and Eve will have to give a second thought to the gruesome fact that the world is crumbling day by day. We need to understand the essence of each and every religion and faith that the world can be ruled not by force but by love and service. Every religion aims at peace, love, selfless service of humanity, pity for poor and downtrodden. Instead of teaching our students the intricate formulae of Maths, complex chemical reactions, Laws of Newton and Archimedes, they should be taught the basic truth of human life—oneness of God, one Cosmic force governing the entire universe, and there is nothing nobler than serving the mankind. Children today need to understand that there’s nothing like hell and heaven, virtue and vice. Education has a purpose, the purpose of developing all the facets of personality of a child. A child who believes in the service to mankind, who finds all the religions to be teaching the same noble virtues, who thinks all the human beings as part of the same Divine Soul, who is equally comfortable with the colored people as with Whites, is certainly going to be the greatest asset to the world. Such a child is not only good and smart, but he is a gift of God to mankind, a pride of the human race and a potential light of the world.

We need to evolve our education in such a manner that this truth is visible to each and every child. Nelson Mandela said, “ Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” It’s high time that we use this powerful weapon to create a sense of universal brotherhood in the world. We have to understand that everybody in the world has equal access to air, water, soil, Sun and Moon. We need to live together on this single mass of land that we call Earth. Let the sorrow of East bring tears in the eyes of the West, let a Hindu wish a Christian on Christmas and they share Christmas delicacies together. Let a Muslim light diyas on Diwali to flee away the darkness of ignorance from the world and let a Christian embrace a Muslim on Eid with a bowl of sweet.

We had already paid the price of mutual disagreement in the forms of two World Wars. Even greater tragedy has befallen the mankind in the form of Covid-19 pandemic which is treating the world impartially. It has not spared any nation, race, creed, caste or religion. We need to understand the barriers of political boundaries do not deter us from loving one another. We have to live on this Earth like air, water, birds, stars, Sun and sky which are available for everyone—unbound form any national or religious segregation.

Let our children believe in the oneness of God, faith, religion and mankind. Hope a better world awaits us which certainly will make the Almighty smile with contentment that his created humans are after all living like humans.
